Buffalo Rodeo Daze

Aug 17 & 18, 2024

Buffalo AB

Saturday, Aug 17
Slack @ 10:00 AM
Perf @ 1:00 PM

Sunday, Aug 18
Slack @ 9:00 AM
Perf @ 12:00 PM
Online and or email entries (kcrascretary@gmail.com) July 28 - Aug 3
Phone entries TUESDAY, Aug 6 , 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Trades must be done by Friday, Aug 9 by 4:00 P.M.
Local Entries: TEXT Jamie @403-548-5146 Monday Aug 5 9 AM - 5:00 PM with Name, Age, phone number, address, events entering and days you are entering. Etransfer must be sent to kcrasecretary@gmail.com before you will be entered.
Concession all weekend
Dance on Saturday Night with Who Knew Band

$500.00 SB/BB/BR
$250.00 All Other Open Events
$100.00 All Junior Events
$50.00 All Pee Wee Events

Mutton bustin and wild pony races Saturday please enter on Aug 5. Limited spots available,
Question please call Jamie @ 403-548-5146